Invitation for UoC students to an international student scientific conference in Krakow

Call for Papers

The History Student’s Scientific Society at the Jagiellonian University organizes an international student scientific conference and invites history students of University of Crete to participate. The conference called “III Cracovian Congress of History Students: Rebellions, Uprisings and Revolutions throughout the Ages” will take place on May 8-10, 2025 at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

The theme of the Congress will include rebellions, uprisings and revolutions throughout history. We believe that from ancient revolts to modern revolutions, human history is filled with moments of radical change. Rebellions, uprisings, and revolutions have always shaped the history of humanity, transforming societies, changing political systems, and influencing the economy and culture worldwide. The Congress aims to explore these pivotal events, examining the social, political, and economic and cultural factors that sparked rebellions, uprisings and revolutions, as well as their lasting impact on national and global scales.

We care about the participation of students from foreign research centers – especially students of history and related science.

The conference fee is 70€. As the organizers, we intend to cover the costs of accommodation (4 nights), lunches for all conference participants during all three conference’s days. Unfortunately, we do not cover travel costs.

Apart from attending the conference we offer free trips to museums and other cultural facilities in Krakow. We also plan numerous integration meetings with foreign students!

Applications can be submitted until March 23. More details can be found at the Call for Papers.

Below is a link to our site: and Facebook event:

If the students have any questions they should contact: