Ioannis Voskos
Extended CV: Click here
Ioannis Voskos holds a BA degree in Archaeology and History of Art (2003) from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (N.K.U.A.). He received his Master’s degree (Mphil in Mediterranean Archaeology) with distinction (University of Glasgow, UK, 2004-2005) and completed his PhD (2013, Title: Socio-Economic Dimensions of Storage in Cyprus during the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods) in the Department of History and Archaeology (N.K.U.A.). Between 2017-2019 he has also completed a post-doctoral research funded by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY, Title: “Aspects of Social Organisation and the Political Structures of Mycenaean Kefalonia through the Relevant Archaeological Remains”).
He has participated in many International and local Conferences and Meetings and he has worked as a contract archaeologist in several Greek Ephorates of Antiquities (e.g. Ephorate of Palaeoanthropology and Speleology, Ephorate of Antiquities of Kefalonia, Ephorate of Antiquities of Laconia). Since 2016 he also works as a tutor in a number of e-learning Programmes (related to Cypriot Prehistory and Minoan Archaeology) of the N.K.U.A. He has also taught in postgraduate seminars of the Department of History and Archaeology (N.K.U.A.). Currently, he is the principal investigator of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cyprus Project (NCCP, 2018-2020) funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT).
Research Interests: His main fields of expertise include the prehistoric and proto-historic periods in the Aegean and Cyprus. More specifically he has studied the issues of ethnicity, prehistoric economy, population mobility, social memory, socio-cultural change, the processes of configuration, negotiation/manipulation and abolition of social and cultural identities and others. He has also worked on numerous ceramic assemblages in Greece and Cyprus exploring aspects of prehistoric production/consumption of pottery.
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Selected publications:
1. Voskos, I. (in Greek) (forthcoming). The Archaeology of Storage: Economy and Social Change in Cyprus during the Ceramic Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods. AURA Supplement Series. Athens: AURA and Kardamitsa Publications.
2. Voskos, I. 2019. “Constructing ‘traditions’: aspects of identity formation in the southern Ionian Islands during the Late Helladic period and the Iron Age”. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 32.1: 88−113.
3. Mantzourani, E. and I. Voskos (eds) (in Greek). 2019. The Excavations at the Neolithic Settlement of Kantou Kouphovounos in Cyprus. Part B΄, The Moveable Finds. Vols 1-2. AURA Supplement 1. Athens: AURA and Kardamitsa Publications.
4. Mantzourani, E., Kopanias, K. and I. Voskos. 2019. “A great king of Alašiya? The archaeological and textual evidence“. In From ‘LUGAL.GAL’ to ‘Wanax’. Kingship and Political Organisation in the Late Bronze Age Aegean, edited by J.M. Kelder and W.J.I. Waal: 95−130. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
5. Voskos, I. 2018. “Rethinking the ‘Cypriot paradox’: socio-economic change in Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cyprus“. In Communities in Transition: The Circum-Aegean Area During the 5th and 4th Millennia BC., edited by S. Dietz, F. Mavridis, Ž. Tankosić and T. Takaoğlu: 466−475. Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 20. Oxford: Oxbow books.
6. Voskos, I. 2017. “Pottery from the Prehistoric to Roman periods” (Chapter 2.6). In N.H. Andreasen, N. Pantzou, D. Papadopoulos and A. Darlas (eds), Unfolding a Mountain. A Historical Archaeology of Modern and Contemporary Cave Use on Mount Pelion. Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens, Vol. 19, 87−103. Aarhus University Press.
7. Kloukinas, D. and I. Voskos. 2013. “Identity mapping in prehistoric Cyprus: cultural divergence and consolidation during the Neolithic period“. In SOMA 2012, Identity and Connectivity, Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1-3 March 2012, Vol. I, edited by L. Bombardieri, A. D’Agostino, G. Guarducci, V. Orsi, and S. Valentini: 313−320. British Archaeological Reports International Series 2581 (I). Oxford: Archaeopress.
8. Voskos, I. and A.B. Knapp. 2008. “Cyprus at the end of the Late Bronze Age: crisis and colonization or continuity and hybridization?” American Journal of Archaeology 112: 659−684.
Description of courses (Winter Semester – Academic year 2020-2021)
(CAR250) Introduction to the Phoenician culture
This course examines the main characteristics (ethnic, lingual, religious, social etc.) that formed the cultural identity of ancient Phoenician groups, along with basic aspects of the Phoenician material culture. Although the sense of a common origin and belonging is currently disputed in the case of the Phoenicians, several ancient written sources and excavated archaeological remains suggest a very active group of communities largely associated with trade activities all over the Mediterranean Sea. The course will analyse in a diachronic manner the cultural characteristics that constitute a ‘Phoenician’ identity, mainly focusing on the Early Iron Age. Aspects of the Phoenician artistic production, their colonial activity and also their relationship with various neighbouring peoples (Greeks, Israelites etc.) and Near Eastern empires (e.g. Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians etc.) will also be discussed in detail.
Selected bibliography
Aubet, M.E. 2001. The Phoenicians and the West: Politics, Colonies and Trade. Second edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Culican, W. 1991. “Phoenicia and Phoenician colonization”. In The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. III: 2, 461−546. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Κοπανιάς, Κ. 2015. Εισαγωγή στην Ιστορία και Αρχαιολογία της Εγγύς Ανατολής. Αθήνα: Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών.
Kourou, N. 2012. “Phoenicia, Cyprus and the Aegean in the Early Iron Age: J.N. Coldstream’s contribution and the current state of research”. In M. Iacovou (ed.), Cyprus and Aegean in the Early Iron Age. The legacy of Nicolas Coldstream, 33−51. Nicosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation.
Markoe, G.E. 1990. “The Emergence of Phoenician Art.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 279: 13–26.
Markoe, G.E 2000. Phoenicians: Peoples of the Past. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Moscati, S. (ed.). 1988. The Phoenicians. Milan: Bompiani.
Sagona, C. (ed.). 2008. Beyond the Homeland: Markers in Phoenician Chronology. Ancient Near Eastern studies, Supplement 28. Leuven-Dudley, MA: Peeters.
Stampolidis, N.C. and A. Kotsonas. 2006. “Phoenicians in Crete”. In S. Deger-Jalkotzy and I.S. Lemos (eds), Ancient Greece: From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer. Edinburgh Leventis Studies 3, 337–360. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Woolmer, M. 2011. Ancient Phoenicia: An Introduction. Classical World Series. London: Bristol Classical Press.
Woolmer, M. 2017. A Short History of the Phoenicians. London: I.B. Tauris – Ελληνική Μετάφραση 2020. Φοίνικες, Ιστορία και Πολιτισμός: Μια εισαγωγή (μτφρ. Μ. Παπαηλιάδη). Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης.
Description of courses (Spring Semester – Academic year 2020-2021)
(CAR333) Pottery of the Early Iron Age in the Eastern Mediterranean
This seminar concerns the examination of ceramic production and the main pottery wares during the Early Iron Age in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, focusing on the cases of Cyprus and Phoenicia. Pottery, among others, formed the most basic medium of transport echoing the complex exchange networks of the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Ages. Even though traditional approaches supported the existence of a long period of trade interruption during the so-called ‘Dark Ages’, recent studies locate clear signs of rapid social restructuring and the gradual continuation of long-distance trade activities within the Early Iron Age. Imported ceramics and their dispersal in archaeological contexts (especially the newly appearing wares produced in Cyprus and Phoenicia) form a very important indicator of the rising networks and contact between different communities.
Selected bibliography
Anderson, W.P. 1990. “The beginnings of Phoenician pottery: vessel shape, style and ceramic technology in the early phases of the Phoenician Iron Age”. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 279: 35–54.
Bikai, P.M. 1978. The Pottery of Tyre. Warminster: Aris and Phillips.
Bikai, P.M. 1987. The Phoenician Pottery of Cyprus. Nicosia: A.G. Leventis Foundation.
Bourogiannis, G. 2012. “Pondering the Cypro‐Phoenician conundrum. The Aegean view of a bewildering term”. In M. Iacovou (ed.), Cyprus and Aegean in the Early Iron Age. The legacy of Nicolas Coldstream, 183−205. Nicosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation.
Culican, W. 1982. “The repertoire of the Phoenician pottery”. In H.G. Niemeyer (ed.), Phönizier im Westen. Die Beiträge des Internationalen Symposiums über ‘Die Phönizische Expansion im Westlichen Mittelmeerraum’ (Köln 24-27 April 1979), 45−82. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.
De Crée, F. 1991. “The Black-on-Red or Cypro-Phoenician ware”. In E. Lipiński (ed.), Phoenicia and the Bible. Studia Phoenicia XI, 95−102. Leuven: Peeters.
Georgiadou, Α. 2015. “Pottery of Geometric, Archaic and Classical periods in Cyprus”. Οnline collection of article, Kyprios Character. History, Archaeology & Numismatics of Ancient Cyprus:
Georgiadou, Α. 2017. “Aspects of pottery production and circulation in the Early Iron Age Cypriot polities: Considering the evidence of the Salamis workshops”. In V. Vlachou and Α. Gadolou (eds), ΤΕΡΨΙΣ. Studies on Mediterranean Archaeology in honour of Nota Kourou. Etudes d’Archéologie 10, 99−112. Brussels: CReA-Patrimoine.
Iacovou, M. 1988. The Pictorial Pottery of Eleventh Century B.C. Cyprus. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 79. Göteborg, Sweden: Paul Åströms Förlag.
Description of courses (Spring Semester – Academic year 2020-2021)
(CAR252) Archaeology of Cyprus
The course concerns the archaeological evidence in the island of Cyprus during the Historical period, focusing mainly between the 11th and 5th centuries BC (i.e. the Cypro-Geometric and Cypro-Archaic periods). The critical years at the end of the Late Bronze Age and the transition to the Early Iron Age will be examined in detail, since these phases are usually considered as the forerunners of socio-political formations leading to the Iron Age Cypriot kingdoms. This examination includes the analysis of topographical developments, architectural and burial remains and also several categories of the material culture, imprinting, by and large, existing processes of socio-economic realignment on the island. Special emphasis will be placed on the one hand to the trading activities and cultural relationships between Cypriot and Aegean communities and on the other hand to aspects of configuration, consolidation and the archaeological visibility of Cypriot kingdoms along with discussions on coexisting populations of presumably different ethnic background (Greeks, Phoenicians, Eteocypriots etc.).
Selected bibliography
Gjerstad, E. 1948. The Swedish Cyprus Expedition IV, Part II: The Cypro-Geometric, Cypro-Archaic and Cypro-Classical Periods. Stockholm: The Swedish Cyprus Expedition.
Iacovou, M. 2002. “From ten to naught: formation, consolidation and abolition of Cyprus’ Iron Age polities”. Cahier du Centre d’Études Chypriotes 32: 73−87.
Iacovou, M. 2006. “‘Greeks’, ‘Phoenicians’ and ‘Eteocypriots’: ethnic identities in the Cypriote kingdoms”. In J. Chrysostomides and C. Dendrinos (eds), ‘Sweet Land…’: Lectures on the History and Culture of Cyprus, 27−59. Camberley, England: Porphyrogenitus.
Iacovou, M. 2013. “Historically elusive and internally fragile island polities: the intricacies of Cyprus’s political geography in the Iron Age”. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 370: 15−47.
Iacovou, M. and D. Michaelides (eds) 1999. Cyprus: The Historicity of the Geometric Horizon. Proceedings of an Archaeological Workshop (University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 11th October 1998). Nicosia: Archaeological Research Unit – University of Cyprus.
Karnava, A. 2018. “The syllabic inscriptions of Amathous. Past and present”. In A. Cannavò and L. Thély (eds), Les Royaumes de Chypre à l’Épreuve de l’Histoire. Transitions et Ruptures de la Fin de l’Âge du Bronze au Début de l’Époque Hellénistique. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique Supplément 60, 201–212. Athènes: École Française d’Athènes.
Mantzourani, E., Kopanias, K. and I. Voskos. 2019. “A great king of Alašiya? The archaeological and textual evidence”. In J.M. Kelder and W.J.I. Waal (eds), From ‘LUGAL.GAL’ to ‘Wanax’. Kingship and Political Organisation in the Late Bronze Age Aegean, 95−130. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
Papantoniou, G. 2012. “Cypriot sanctuaries and religion in the Early Iron Age: views from before and after”. In M. Iacovou (ed.), Cyprus and Aegean in the Early Iron Age. The legacy of Nicolas Coldstream, 285−320. Nicosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation.
Reyes, A.T. 1994. Archaic Cyprus: A Study of the Textual and Archaeological Evidence. Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Rupp. D.W. 1987. “Vive le roi: The emergence of the state in Iron Age Cyprus”. In D.W. Rupp (ed.), Western Cyprus: Connections. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, Vol. 77, 147−168. Göteborg, Sweden: Paul Åströms Förlag.
Rupp, D.W. 1998. “The Seven Kings of the Land of Ia’: A District on Ia-ad-na-na: Achaean Bluebloods, Cypriot Parvenus or Both?” In K.J. Hartswick and M. Sturgeon (eds), Stefanos: Studies in honor of Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway, 209−222. Philadelphia: University Museum, University of Pennsylvania.
Satraki, A. 2012. “Cypriot polities in the Early Iron Age”. In M. Iacovou (ed.), Cyprus and Aegean in the Early Iron Age. The legacy of Nicolas Coldstream, 261−284. Nicosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation.
Steele, P.M. 2013. A Linguistic History of Cyprus: The Non-Greek Languages, and their Relations with Greek, c. 1600–300 BC. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Voskos, I. and A.B. Knapp 2008. “Cyprus at the end of the Late Bronze Age: crisis and colonization or continuity and hybridization?” American Journal of Archaeology 112: 659−684.