Eleftheria Zei

Associate Professor of Modern History, 17th-19th c., Head of the Department
E-mail: zei[at]uoc[dot]gr
Office No.: 44
Telephone: 0030 28310 77335
Office hours

Short CV

Eleftheria Zei has graduated from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Athens and has continued her graduate studies at the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), where she obtained her doctorate thesis on the island of Paros and the Aegean between Latin and Ottoman domination. Since 2003 she teaches Modern History at the Greek University, and since 2008 she is a member of the teaching staff at the Department of History & Archaeology of the University of Crete. In her research she explores Modern history and historiography on insular societies of the Mediterranean, and in her main publications she treats questions of social history of the Greek Archipelago and the island of Crete during the 17th-19th centuries.

Research interests: Social history of the islands, history of the urban and agricultural space, and historiography of insularity