Opportunity to join an international excavation team at the highest-altitude ancient settlement site in the Aegean (c. 1200-1000 BC) incorporating an earlier sanctuary (c. 1900-1700 BC)
9 June-18 July 2025 (One 3-week block or 6 full weeks; you must arrive and depart at weekends)
Directors: Dr Saro Wallace, Professor Krzysztof Nowicki (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Website: www.karphi-revisited-excavation-project.webnode.com
Essential information:
You will need to be able to travel to Crete at your own expense. You will need to have a high degree of physical fitness (this is a mountaintop site) and enjoy undertaking heavy physical work out of doors (handling pickaxes, shovels, buckets etc) as well as detailed archaeological work, since every team member needs to be able to do the same tasks.
Shared accommodation and a weekly food stipend are provided. A participation fee of £250 covers 1-2 weekend group meals arranged by the project, transport into the mountain village from the Cretan coast (Malia), weekend trips to the coast and other archaeological sites, and some training and equipment costs.
You will need to have basic archaeological equipment and good walking boots with you.
See our website at www.karphi-revisited-excavation-project.webnode.com
Activities in which you will train and take part include:
Excavation, planning and surveying
Pottery processing
Visitor interaction/guiding/outreach
Archaeobotanical and faunal finds processing
Please contact Dr Saro Wallace at sarowallace@hotmail.com by APRIL 30 2025.
Skype interviews will be held and places allocated in early May 2025. Please apply sooner if you want to join the project at its start to allow time to book travel tickets.