Are you a student and you have an inetresting idea?INGENIUM will support it! The University of Crete through INGENIUM will provide financial support to students who want to implement innovative,…
Lecture of Dr Zeynep Aydoğan | 18/3/25, 20:30 @ House of the Section of Archaeology and History of Art
The M.A. Programme in Ottoman History, that the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Crete organises in collaboration with the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of the Foundation…
Opportunity to join an international excavation team at the highest-altitude ancient settlement site in the Aegean (c. 1200-1000 BC) incorporating an earlier sanctuary (c. 1900-1700 BC) 9 June-18 July 2025…
Student Archaeological Fieldwork Opportunity, DEADLINE: SUNDAY, MARCH 16TH, 2025
Student Archaeological Fieldwork Opportunity At the ongoing excavation of the Bronze Age settlement at Aghia Marina Pyrghos (AMP) in central Greece, June and/or July 2025 See:• • •…
Invitation for UoC students to an international student scientific conference in Krakow
Call for Papers The History Student’s Scientific Society at the Jagiellonian University organizes an international student scientific conference and invites history students of University of Crete to participate. The conference called “III Cracovian…
News UoC International #13
The editorial team of News UoC International is pleased to announce the release of its new issue#13! News UoC International aims to promote the activities, distinctions, agreements and collaborations of…
Call for submissions Gaetano Cozzi Prize for studies on the history of games 2025
As part of its research activities dedicated to the history of games, them Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche announces a new annual competition with two awards of 3,000 Euros each for unpublished and original studies on the history of…
News UoC International #12
The editorial team of News UoC International is pleased to announce the release of its new issue#12!News UoC International aims to promote the activities, distinctions, agreements and collaborations of the…
International Conference “Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans and East-Central Europe”, November 28-30, 2024, Dept. History and Archaeology, Faculty of Letters, Auditorium A
From Thursday, November 28, to Saturday, November 30, 2024, the Department of History and Archaeology at the University of Crete’s Faculty of Letters will host the International Conference “Feminisms and…