Other conferences (co-)organised by the Department
A day conference on “Provincial elites, rural relations and taxation in the seventeenth and eighteenth-century Balkans” will be held on Monday April 15th 2019, from 12.30 to 7 pm, in Room 56 of the Department of History and Archaeology, University of Crete. The project in the context of which the day conference takes place and is financed, is implemented through the Operational Program ‘Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning’ and is co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund) and Greek national funds.
Click here to see the programme of the day conference.

The Programme of Postgraduate Studies «The Ancient Mediterranean World – History and Archaeology» (Department of History & Archaeology, University of Crete) and the Institute for Mediterranean Studies invite you to a workshop on the employment of Social Network Analysis theory in history. The Workshop will be held at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (Nikiforou Foka 130 & Ioannou Melissinou) in Rethymno / Crete, at 09.30-20.30.
Social Network Analysis is a method rapidly gaining ground in the humanities in recent years. In this Workshop the key strands of this method will be presented; we will explore its potential and we will highlight its weaknesses. In the two Discussion Sessions, in the afternoon, participants will learn how to use related software and how to visualise and analyse social networks. No prior knowledge of the theory is required.
Participants include, in addition to colleagues of the University of Crete and of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies: Prof. Diane Harris Cline (GWU, Washington DC, 2018-2019 Fulbright Fellow at the University of Crete), Prof. Eric Cline (GWU, Washington DC), Dr. Johannes Preiser-Kapeller (Academy of Sciences, Vienna, & University of Vienna), Dr. Katerina Mitsiou (University of Vienna).
Organisers: Institute of Mediterranean studies of the Foundation of Technology and Research & Department of History & Archaeology, University of Crete
Organisers: Institute of Mediterranean Studies / Foundation of Technology & Research (in Cooperation with the University of Crete)
Friday, November 2
15.00-17.15 1st Session
Jeroen Duindam (Utrecht University) Introduction
Lars Bo Kaspersen (University of Copenhagen) Warfare as the Constituting Feature of Empires: Towards a General Theory of Imperial Warfare and the Impact on Society
Adam Ziolkowski (University of Warsaw) Legion or Phalanx: A History of a Controversy from Polybios to Folard
Discussant: Peter Fibiger Bang (University of Copenhagen)
17.15-17.45 Coffee break
17.45-20.00 2nd Session
William (Vijay) Pinch (Wesleyan University) Devotion to War: Religion and the Mughal Expansion, ca. 1560-1650
Pavlina Karanastasi (University of Crete) Roman Emperors as Army Leaders: Iconography and Interpretation
Suraiya Faroqhi (Istanbul Bilgi University) Celebrating Ottoman Victories (Sixteenth to Seventeenth Centuries)
Discussant: Vincent Gabrielsen (University of Copenhagen)
Organisers: Department of History & Archaeology – Institute of Mediterranean Studies
11.00-12.00 Registration – Coffee
12.00-12.30 Welcoming addresses
12.30-13.15 Opening Lecture by Jacqueline Guiral- Hadziiossif *: title to be announced
13.15-13.30 Discussion
13.30-14.30 Buffet lunch on the premises
Session I Law and Custom – Theory and Practice
Chair: Professor Darlene Abreu-Ferreira
14.30-14.55 Maria Drakopoulou (University of Kent). Family, Property and the Politics of Sexual Difference in the Seventeenth Century Natural Law Philosophy
14.55-15.20 Jurgitta Kunsmanaite (Central European University, Budapest). Widows in Normative Law and Legal Practice
15.20-15.45 Eugenia Kermeli (Bilkent University Ankara). Marriage and Divorce for Christians and New Muslims in Crete, 1645-1670
15.45-16.10 Maria Tsikaloudaki (PhD in Modern History, Chania). Christian legators and heirs in Philippopoli before the Tanzimat reforms of 1856
16.10-16.30 Discussion
16.30-17.00 Coffee Break
Session II Dowry and Inheritance
Chair: Father P. Stefanov
17.00-17.25 Anna Bellavitis (University of Paris 10-Nanterre). Heritage and Dowry in Venetian Law and Practice (13th-16th centuries)
17.25-17.50 Jutta Gisela Sperling (Hampshire College, Amherst, MA). Dowry or Inheritance? Women’s Property Rights in Comparison: Lisbon, Venice, Florence (1572)
17.50-18.15 Ida Fazio (University of Palermo). Gender Relationships, Inheritance, and the Market: The Case of the Stromboli Island (Sicily, Italy, 19th Century)
18.15-18.40 Stefania Licini (University of Bergamo). Between law and social practices: top wealthy men and women’s testamentary provisions in 19th century Italy.
18.40-19.00 Discussion
20.00 Evening meal (by the seaside)
Session III Women and Economic Power
Chair: Professor Jutta Sperling
9.30-9.55 Kirsten Fenton (University of Edinburgh). Noblewomen, property and power: the Jumiθges evidence, 11th -12th centuries
9.55-10.20 Kostas Moustakas (University of Crete). Widows and the fisc: A comparison between late Byzantium and the early Ottoman Empire
10.20-10.45 Darlene Abreu-Ferreira (University of Winnipeg). Women and family property in early modern Portugal
10.45-11.10 Alexis Malliaris (Ionian University, Corfu). Cittadini families and rural families in Venetian Peloponnese (1685-1715): landownership, social and legal status, economic differentiation and behaviours in a new acquisition of Venice in the transition between the 17th and 18th century
11.10-11.30 Discussion
11.30-12.00 Coffee break
An interlude: Marriage Contracts and Gendered Property Rights
12.00-13.00 Teamwork headed by Aglaia Kasdagli (University of Crete). A database for marriage contracts in the Greek world, 1500-1830
Discussant: Father Pavel Stefanov [A Balkan comparison – to be confirmed]
13.00-13.15 Discussion
13.15-15.30 Lunch buffet on the premises. Free time
Session IV Ruptures: the effects of modernization – the effects of war
Chair : Dr Margareth Lanzinger
15.30-15.55 Hanne Marie Johansen (University of Bergen). Norwegian Widows after Clerical Servants in the 17th Century: The Year of Mercy and Inheritance
15.55-16.20 Tsvetana Boncheva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). Gender relationships and property among the Bulgarian Catholics in Plodviv region during the first half of the 20th century
16.20-16.45 Evdoxios Doxiadis (University of California, Berkeley). Women, property and the Greek War of Independence: Property transmission and conflict resolution during tumultuous times
16.45-17.10 Nicole Kramer (Institut fόr Zeitgeschichte, Munich). Fighting Couples – Divorces in National Socialist Society during the Second World War
17.10-17.30 Discussion
17.30-19.30 Optional guided tour of old town (conducted by Dr Alexis Malliaris and Dr Antonis Anastasopoulos)
Session V Strategies of Heirship
Chair Dr Evgenia Kermeli
9.30-9.55 Margareth Lanzinger (University of Vienna). Remarriage: Competing property interests and property mixture – Tyrol and Vorarlberg in the 19th Century
9.55-10.20 Ikaros Mandouvalos (University of Athens). Familial structures and relationships in a bourgeois environment: Inter-gender roles and practices among the Greeks and Macedonian-Vlachs of Pest
10.20-10.45 Maria Spiliotopoulou (Research Centre of Athens Academy). Childless nuclear family versus family of origin in the Greek island of Santorini (17th-early 19th Century)
10.45-11.10 Domenico Rizzo (University of Naples). Beyond kinship: Inheriting from single men (19th-century Rome)
11.10-11.30 Discussion
11.30-12.00 Coffee Break
Session VI Conflict, exclusion and transgression
Chair: Dr Maria Drakopoulou
12.00-12.25 Grethe Jacobsen (The National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library). Family property in Danish towns and magisterial ideology during the reformation period
12.25-12.50 Nina Koefoed (University of Aarhus). Gender and sexuality in law – sexual relations before marriage
12.50-13.15 Ellinor Forster & Margret Friedrich (University of Innsbruck).Gendered standards of dealing with property in discussion and legal practice: Social representations of “incompetence by mental incapacity” and “wasteful spending” in juridical and everyday discourse
13.15-13.40 Vasso Seirinidou (University of Athens). Punishment after death: Disinheritance and property elimination in the Greek merchant community of Vienna (18th-19th centuries)
13.40-14.00 Discussion
14.00-16.00 Free time for lunch, shopping etc.
16.00-16.45 Final Lecture by Amy Erickson (Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure). Title to be announced
16.45-.16.30 Discussion
16.30-17.00 Coffee Break
17.00-18.00 Round Table: The historical evolution of the themes examined and the comparative perspective
Co-ordinator: Professor Efi Avdela (University of Crete)
Eleni Sakellariou (University of Crete). The Medieval Perspective.
Anna Bellavitis. The Early Modern Perspective
Ida Fazio. The Modern Perspective
Antonis Anastasopoulos (University of Crete). The Comparative Perspective
18.00-18.30 Planning of the next (V) conference of the European network “Gender differences in European legal cultures / Geschlechterdifferenz in europäischen Rechtskreisen”.
Co-ordinator: Dr Grethe Jacobsen
18.30-19.00 Conference proceedings-Concluding remarks-Farewell by Aglaia Kasdagli
The Symposium will focus on emotions and their definition and reception by ancient and/or modern authors. It aims in the first place to illuminate through a comparative conversation the specificity of “ancient” lists of emotions and the way they differ from “modern” definitions of feelings and their practice. It looks to interrogate the Aristotelian dimension of persuasive and collective pathκ and the inner and private feelings of modern times.
Our investigation will also turn attention to representations of states of emotions and their cultural significance in historiography, philosophy, drama and literature and the way they have been formulated by historians and literary critics.
Speakers include: David Bouvier (Lausanne), Douglas Cairns (Edinburgh), Sotera Fornaro (Sassari), Margaret Graver (Hanover,NH), Geneviève Hoffmann (Amiens), Sally C. Humphreys (Budapest), Ahuvia Kahane (London), David Konstan , Glenn Most. (Firenze), Maria Patera, Francesca Prescendi (Geneva), Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet (Paris), Seth Schein (Davis,CA), Anastasia Serghidou, Cristina Viano (Paris), Robert Zaborowski (Warsaw).
David Konstan (Brown University)
Anastasia Serghidou (University of Crete)
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the I.F.Costopoulos Foundation
University of Crete in cooperation with National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” and Herakleion and Chania Archaeological Museums organize a Symposium on “Aegean Metallurgy in Bronze Age”.
Symposium Programme
Friday, November 19 Xenias Hostel
09:00 Registration
09:30 Opening Session: Iris Tzachili
Session: Aegean and Mainland Greece
10:00-11:00 Olga Kakavogianni, Kerassia Douni, Fotini Nezeri: Silver metallurgical findings dated from the end of the Final Neolithic period until the Middle Bronze Age at the area of Mesogeia
Noel H. Gale: Early Helladic Metallurgy at Raphina, Attica, and the Role of Lavrion
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Olga Philaniotou: Early Copper Production in the Aegean: The Case of Seriphos
Myrto Georgakopoulou: Metallurgy in Early Bronze Age Cycladic settlements: the evidence from Daskaleio-Kavos (Keros Island, Cyclades)
George Papadimitriou: The technological development of copper alloys in the Helladic region during the Prehistoric years.
13:00 Lunch Break
Session: Aegean and Mainland Greece
14:30-16:30 Maria Kayafa: Copper-based artefacts in Bronze Age Peloponnese: A quantitative approach to metal consumption
Stratis Papadopoulos: Silver and Copper Production Practices in the Early Bronze Age Settlement at Limenaria
ThassosYannis Bassiakos & Anna Michailidou: Metal working at Akrotiri, on Thera: What the final products analyses can tell us?
Garyfalia Metallinou, Maria Georgiadou: Bronze archaic urns from Corfu: Interpretative approaches
16:30 Coffee Break
Session: Crete
17:00-19:00 Antonis Vasilakis: Silver Metalworking in Prehistoric Crete
Hubert La Marle: Minoan Metallurgy and Linear A: Definitions, Lexical Slides and Changes in Metal Processing
Lena Hakulin: Bronzeworking on Late Minoan Crete
Giorgos Papasavvas: A closer look at the technology of Minoan gold rings
Saturday, November 20 University Campus, room D3-7A
Session: Crete
09:00-11:00 Mihalis Catapotis, Oli Pryce, Yannis Bassiakos: Prehistoric copper smelting at Chrysokamino: Archaeological analysis and experimental reconstruction
Yannis Bassiakos, Stephania Chlouveraki, Philip Betancourt: Further questioning on the Early Minoan copper production as derived from the study of Chrysokamino smelting site
Philip P. Betancourt: The Copper Smelting Workshop at Chrysokamino: Reconstructing the Smelting Process
Thomas Brogan: Metalworking at Mochlos beyond the Artisans Quarters
11:00 Coffee Break & Poster Session
Session: Crete
11:30-13:30 Jeffrey Soles: Metals from LMIB Mochlos
James Muhly: Haghia Photia and the Cycladic Element in Early Minoan Metallurgy
Yannis Papadatos, Metaxia Tsipopoulou, Yannis Bassiakos, Michalis Catapotis: The beginning of metallurgy in Crete: new evidence from the FN-EM I settlement at Kephala Petras, Siteia
13:30 Lunch Break
Session: Crete
15:00-17:00 Demetrios Anglos, James D. Muhly, Susan C. Ferrence, Krystalia Melessanaki, Anastasia Giakoumaki, Stephania Chlouveraki and Philip P. Betancourt: LIBS Analysis of Metalwork from the Hagios Charalambos Cave
Stephania Chlouveraki, K.Zervaki, A. Melessanaki, D. Anglos: LIBS as identification and documentation tool in the conservation process: Application on metal artifacts from the Historical Museum of Herakleion.
Thomas Tselios: Pre-palatial Copper Metalworking in the Mesara Plain, Crete
Vicky Kolivaki: Non-Destructive analyses of Late Minoan metal artifacts from Crete
17:00 Coffee Break
Session: Crete
17:30-19:30 N. Kallithrakas -Kontos, Noni Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki: EDXRF study of Late Minoan metallic artworks Crete
Roger Doonan, Peter Day, Nota Dimopoulou: Mixing traditions and practice: Composite materials in early third millennium BC Crete
Andrew Gize and Giles Droop: Bronze Age copper and iron resources on Crete
Costas Zervantonakis: MIN [ES] MIN [YAS] – MIN [OANS] Mining in an Invisible Substratum
20:00 Reception Dinner
Sunday, November 21 University Campus, room D3-7A
Session: A Mediterranean View
09:00-11:00 Fulvia Lo Schiavo: Oxhide ingots in the Central Mediterranean. Recent perspectives
Vassiliki Kassianidou: The formative years of the Cypriot copper industry
Robin Clayton: A review of recent advances in transition metal isotope studies and their application to archaeometry
Carole Gillis: Tin in the Aegean Bronze Age and Tin Isotopes
11:00 Coffee Break
Session: Metallurgical Ceramics and Lithics
11:30-13:00 Doniert Evely: Some Observations on Crucibles in Minoan Crete
Anno Hein, Vassilis Kilikoglou: Modelling of the thermal behaviour of metallurgical ceramics by Finite Elements
Lia Karimali: Lithic and Metal Tools in the Bronze Age Aegean: A Parallel Relationship?
13:00 Closing Session
In Memory of Pierre Leveque
Conference Programme
Odeion of Rethymno
20 :00 – 22:00 Opening Ceremony
Dedicated to the Memory of P.Lévêque
Presiding: M.M. MACTOUX
Opening Remarks, University Delegates
J. ANNEQUIN, In memoriam P. Lévêque
Inaugural talk : P. DUCREY, Director, École Archéologique Suisse en Grèce,
Le monde antique est-il basé sur la peur? Peur des esclaves, peur de l’esclavage dans le monde gréco-romain
22:00 Dinner
Friday, 5 November
‘Xenia’ University Centre
9:00- 9:30: Registration
9:30- 13:00 Morning session
A. Fear , War and Revolts Chair: R. Gamauf
9:30-10:00 S. HODKINSON, Accommodating Helots: Strategies of Freedom and Liberation in Ancient Sparta (Nottingham)
10 :00-10.15 A. PARADISO, Sur la servitude volontaire des Maryandiens d’Héraclée. (Potenza)
10 :15-10 :30 R. MARTÍNEZ LACY, Fear as a Factor of Ancient Slave Revolts (Mexico)
10 :30-10 :45 R. VAN ROYEN, Caesar and Gaul, Slavery and Conquest (Amsterdam)
Discussion (15 minutes) Coffee break
B. Slavery and Critical Analysis in a Civic Context Chair: D. Harvey
11:00 -11:30 Ch. TUPLIN, Slavery and Critique of the Classical Polis (Liverpool)
11:30 – 11:45 A. WOLPERT, Slavery and the Limits of Ancient Democracy (Wisconsin-Madison)
11:45-12:00 J. GALLEGO, Doulos kata nomon and the Idea of Man in Classical Greece (Buenos Aires)
12:00-12 :15 D. PLACIDO, La guerre, la démocratie et la peur du peuple à l’esclavage (Madrid)
Discussion (15 minutes)
Lunch at the University Hall – Gallos Campus, Visit to the University Library, GIREA Professional Meeting
17:00- 21:00 Afternoon session
A. Manumission, Social Threats and Juridical Restrictions Chair: S. Hodkinson
17:00-17:15 M. VALDES GUIA, Peur et contrainte des dépendances ratifiées par pratiques judiciaires et religieuses : les paysans atimoi de l’Attique archaïque (Madrid)
17:15-17:30 G. ZACHOS, The Intervention of the City in the Elateian Manumissions (Patras)
17:45-18 :00 P. LÓPEZ BARJA, Fear of Freedmen. Roman Republican Laws on Voting Procedure (Santiago de Compostela)
18:00-18:15 I. ARNAOUTOGLOU, The Fear of the Slave in Ancient Greek Legal Texts (Athens)
18:15-18:45 R. GAMAUF, Cum aliter nulla domus tuta esse posit : Fear of Slaves in Roman Law (Vienna)
Discussion (15 minutes) Coffee break
B. Definitions and Literary Reactions to Slavery Chair: H. Parker
19:15-19:30 D. BOUVIER, La peur de l’esclavage comme peur refoulée dans l’Iliade. (Lausanne)
19:30-19:45 P. DEMONT, La peur et le rire: l’eslavage dans les Grenouilles d’Aristophane (Paris)
19 :45-20:15 W. THALMANN, Despotic Authority, Fear, and the Ideology of Slavery (Los Angeles)
Discussion (15 minutes)
20:30 Free night
Saturday 6 November
‘Xenia’ University Centre
Morning session
A. The Rhetoric of Slavery Chair: A. Gonzales
9:30- 9:45 R. BROCK, Figurative Slavery in Greek Thought (Leeds)
9:45-10:00 A. SERGHIDOU, Les deux temps de la peur. Asservissement et remémoration chez Hérodote (Crète )
10 :00-10 :30 J. ANNEQUIN, Situer les peurs (Besançon)
Discussion (15 minutes) Coffee break
B. Controlling Affective Ties: Master –Slave Relation, a Problematic Scheme Chair: W. Thalmann
11:00- 11:15 A. IRIARTE, La résistance des princesses asservies (País Vasco)
11:15-11:30 A. FOUNTOULAKIS, Punishing the Lecherous Slave: Desire and Power in Herondas 5 (Crete)
11:30-11:45 N. MCKEWN, More Loathing than Fear ?: the dangerous slave in the C 1st AD (Birmingham)
11:45-12:15 Holt PARKER Free Women and Male Slaves or Mandingo meets the Roman Empire (Cincinnati)
Discussion (15 minutes)
17:00—21:00 Afternoon session
A. Producing Fear: Punishment and Morals of Submission Chair: R. Van Royen
17:00-17:30 A. GONZALES, Peur des esclaves et peur des maîtres dans l’œuvre de Pline le Jeune. (Besançon)
17:30-17:45 Ma.J. HIDALGO The Flight of Slaves and Bands of Latrones in Apuleius de Madaura’S Novel (Salamanca)
17:45-18:00 M. RODRIGUEZ GERVAS Enseigner la peur, reproduire la domination. (Salamanca)
18:00-18:15 D. HARVEY, The Severity of the Master, and Misery of the Slave:Fears and Evils in David Hume’s “ Essay on the Populousness of Ancient Nations.”(Exeter)
18:15- 18:30 A. PRIETO, Depreciation and Punishment of Slaves in Cinematic Rome (Salamanca)
Discussion (15 minutes)
B. Discourse of Servility and Attitudes to Divine Mastership
Chair: C. Jourdain-Annequin
19:00-19:15 E. KOULAKIOTIS, Alexandre et le messénien : la rationalisation de la peur (Crète)
19:15-19:30 M. J. LETOURNEUR, L’expression de la peur de la tyrannia seruitus dans les lettres de Jérôme (Besançon)
19:30-19:45 D. PEREZ SÁNCHEZ, Social Dominance and Protective Heaven. Dependencies and Flight of the Century in the Visigoth World (Salamanca)
Discussion (15 minutes) Dinner
Sunday 7 November
Institute of Mediterranean Studies
9.30 –10.30 Morning session
A. Colonies, Utopian Communities and Fictional Slavery Chair: Ch. Tuplin
9:30-9:45 V. CUCHET SEBILLOTTE, Habiter quelque part: le lien à la terre et la menace de l’esclavage. (Paris)
9 :45-10:00 A. DOMÍNGUEZ, Fear of Enslavement and Sacred Slavery as Mechanisms of Social Control among the Ancient Locrian (Madrid)
10:00-10:15 T. MAVROGIANNIS, Rebellions d’esclaves de 137 à 101 av. J.C. (Chypre)
Discussion 15 minutes
B. Closing Session
10:45-12:00 P. DUBOIS, “The Coarsest Demand: Utopia and the Fear of Slaves” (San Diego)
Conclusion by . M. M. MACTOUX (Besançon)
Closing remarks: GIREA Delegates
In cooperation with:
Institute of Mediterranean Studies (IMS)
Institut des Sciences et des techniques de l’antiquité (ISTA), Besançon
Institut Français d’Athènes
Instituto Cervantes
Sponsored by :
A. G. Leventis Fondation
National Bank of Greece
Grecotel S.A.
Municipality of Rethymnon
Under the Aigis of the French Government
Saturday, December 13 2003
Morning session
9.30-9.50 Gergana Georgieva (Sofia), Administrative Structure and Government of Rumelia in the Later 18th and Early 19th Century
10.00-10.20 Viorel Panaite (Bucharest), Wallachia and Moldavia according to the Ottoman Legal and Political View, 1774-1829
10.30-10.50 Antonis Anastasopoulos (Rethymno), Karaferye (Veroia) in the 1790s: How Much Can the Kadı Sicilleri Tell Us?
11.00-11.20 Čedomir Antić (Belgrade), The Formative Years of the Principality of Serbia (1804-1839): Ottoman Influences
11.30-12.00 Coffee break
12.00-12.20 Rossitsa Gradeva (Sofia), Secession in the Ottoman Balkans: the Case of Osman Pazvantoğlu
12.30-12.50 Rachida Tlili Sellaouti (Tunis), Le nizam-ı cedid, Osman Pasvant Oğlu et l’Empire ottoman (1789-1806)
13.00-13.20 Dimitris Dimitropoulos (Athens), Aspects of the Working of Fiscal Machinery in the Areas Ruled by Ali Pasha
Afternoon session
17.30-17.50 Martha Pylia (Komotini), Conflits politiques et comportements des primats chrétiens en Morée pré-révolutionnaire
18.00-18.20 Dimitrios Stamatopoulos (Thessaloniki), Constantinople in the Peloponnese: The Case of the Dragoman of the Morea (Tercüman Bey) Georgios Wallerianos
18.30-18.50 Anna Vlahopoulou (Munich), Like the Mafia: The Ottoman Military Presence in the Morea on the Eve of the Revolution
19.00-19.30 Coffee break
19.30-19.50 Christos Loukos (Rethymno), Suggestions for a Bolder Incorporation of Studies on the Greek Revolution of 1821 into their Ottoman Context
20.00-20.20 Panayotis Stathis (Rethymno), From Klefts and Armatoloi to Revolutionaries
20.30-20.50 Mehmet Seyitdanlıoğlu (Ankara), Greek Independence in Ottoman Chronicles
Sunday, December 14 2003
Morning session
9.30-9.50 Christina Filliou (Princeton), Breaking the Tetrarchia and Saving the Kaymakam: To Be an Ambitious Ottoman Christian in 1821
10.00-10.20 Hakan Erdem (Istanbul), “Perfidious Albanians” and “Zealous Governors”: Ottoman-Albanian Relations during the Greek War of Independence
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-11.20 Vasilis Demetriades (Rethymno), Conflict of Interests between Central Administration and Local Society in Crete in the Course of the Greek Revolution of 1821
11.30-11.50 Cengiz Kırlı (Istanbul), Balkan Nationalisms and the Ottoman Empire: Views from the Streets of Istanbul
12.00-12.30 Discussion – Conclusions