Ariadne Gazi

Laboratorty Teacing Staff in Digital Humanities
E-mail: gazi[at]uoc[dot]gr
Office No.: 40
Telephone: 0030 28310 77350
Office hours: Wednesday & Thursday, 12:00-13:00
Extended CV: Click here
Ariadne Gazi studied History and Archaeology (major Archaeology and History of Art) at the University of Crete (1992-1997). She received her MSc in Archaeological Science: Archaeological Computing from the University of Southampton, UK in 1999. Since May 2017 she is a PhD student under the supervision of Associate Professor of the Department Nena Galanidou at the University of Crete; the title of her thesis is “The Archaeology in Greece from the Civil war until the restoration of Democracy through the archive of Stylianos Alexiou” (in greek).
She has worked: at the Direction of Monuments and Publications Archive of the Ministry of Culture (1998-2002) on the design, development and enrichment of an electronic thesaurus of monuments terms and the indexing and electronic documentation of monuments; at the 25th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities (2003-2006) on the electronic documentation and recording of the excavational and restoration data of Ancient Aptera, whereas she also participated in several rescue excavations (Aptera, Drapanias, Anapafseos Str.-Chania); for the educational program «ΙΤΗΑΚΑ, Academic Cultural Program in Greece», where she taught Cretan archaeology courses in English (Kolympari, Chania); for the organization and electronic documentation of the 10th International Conference of Cretan Studies.
She has translated from Greek to English archaeological guides on the cities of Ancient Aptera and Minoan Kydonia, and from English to Greek the book by Nancy Tanner On becoming human; she was the bibliography editor in the two volumes of the exhibition: “From The Land of the Labyrinth: Minoan Crete, 3000-1100 B.C.”, organized by the «Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation» in New York.
From March 2007 until February 2015 she was a member of Special Technical and Laboratory Staff at the Department of History and Archaeology, University of Crete; from February 25th, 2015 to date she has been a member of Laboratory Teaching Staff at the same Department, where she teaches laboratory courses on Internet resources and computer applications in the scientific fields of History and Archaeology.
Research interests: Archival research; documentation and management of archaeological monuments; Cultural Heritage and internet resources; the history of archaeology and its interface with the public; the history of the profession of the archaeologist in Greece and its interplay with other disciplines